What would you add to a Global Vaccine Poem?

A Global Vaccine poem that will reflect our shared hope and experiences, started by Naomi Shihab Nye, who is one of my all-time favorite poets, is out there now with an invitation to join. So I’m tempted put into words how I feel about the vaccine, the second dose of which I’m to receive today….

The South Whispers Warnings

Originally posted on Barbara Ganias Comstock:
The deep South has as much historical significance as does Boston or DC, but its whispered warnings can often be ignored.  The lessons the South has to offer seem particularly poignant today and so this is where I’ve spent the last week on vacation.  It’s not been like other…

Death at a Distance

All my life, people have passed away either way too young or just old enough to have “had a good life.”  But like the miracle of birth, the mystery of death always happens in its own time.  It cares nothing about convenience or preparedness. No one ever asks me if I’m ready.  I was 13…

Do elephants bring good luck?

I mentioned last week that I just started drawing, kind of out of the blue, almost two weeks ago. Many times, it seems, I work hard to fail. And then sometimes, a piece looks really terrible for a while until something kind of miraculous happens and it begins to look like the thing I’m actually…

Hope in the Time of Sheltering-in-Place

  As spring hangs on the tips of every branch, verdant green stalks shooting through mud,  tight buds on the brink of bursting open, And the skies aswirl with storms of a passing season,  There is a dense and unrelenting darkness     Like the deep sleep of winter —  Crowding, pressing, pushing Us to stillness,…

A Meditation for Sheltering-in-Place

COVID-19 has swept into our lives in devastating ways.  Across the country, it single-handedly has brought so much of life as we know it to a stand-still.  If you live in the SF Bay Area, you’re now under a “shelter-in-place” directive.  Everything closed.  Everyone home.  We’re all washing our hands and hording toilet paper.  Stress…

When death comes at Christmas

I have a friend who is dying.  It always seems to be at the holidays when life — both the birth and the dying — hangs in the balance.  It might be also in those precious, slow-motion moments, when time almost stands still, that we feel a little closer to God. Maybe it’s just at…

White Man Yelling in a Crowded Hall: How do we react?

Last night, it became crystal clear that my daughter is the generation raised with gun violence as an everyday aspect of their lives.  I knew that, of course.  I’ve been a teacher for over 20 years and we’ve been doing lockdown drills for what seems like forever. But this . . . We were at…